Artist Regine Schumann

About the artist Regine Schumann was born in 1961 in Goslar. She lives and works in Cologne, Germany. Colored and fluorescent acrylic glass has played a major role in the work of Regine Schumann for more than twenty years. This material begins to light up as soon as it is supplied with light energy – whether it be in the form of natural day light or artificial light. Depending on their placement, the variously colored plates create a variety of effects: glowing, layering, mixing and selecting. It is these continuously changing – not easily described – effects of the light that are the themes of Schumann’s installations and works. In her spatial installations, she places the emphasis on the extension of the given architecture and thus on the creation of “room temperatures.” That she includes sculptural principles is characteristic for Schumann’s work, which transforms thinking in colors and color spaces into a plasticity which can be experienced spatially.

Title colormirror soft double satin turquoise munich - 2023

Technique Acrylglas fluoreszierend, 18 x 14 x 6 cm. Exklusive Edition von Regine Schumann für die Galerie Renate Bender. Die Arbeit „colormirror soft double satin turquoise munich“ - 2023 besteht aus fluoreszierendem Acrylglas und erscheint in einer Auflage von 6 Ex. + 2 A.P.

Price 2.950 € inkl. 7 %