The World of Paper 4.0 – Made from and on paper

Fiene Scharp, Raphael Grotthuss, Franz Riedl, Reinhard Wöllmer, Peter Weber, Russell Herron
Exhibition from September 9 to October 29, 2022
Opening: Friday, September 9, 2022, 6 to 9 pm
Special opening times during OPEN ART 2022
Saturday / Sunday, September 10th/11th, 2022, from 11 am to 6 pm
From wall-sized formats to filigree cut-outs – in this year’s exhibition “Papierwelten 4.0” (“The World of Paper 4.0”), the work of our main protagonists, Fiene Scharp and Raphael Grotthuss, demonstrate how varied and fascinating this topic is being dealt with in the present art scene. The exhibition also includes current works of well-known artists from our own gallery program, which has focused on paper as material for many years.
Fiene Scharp’s delicate paper cut-outs are created from existing or self-constructed grids. Using a scalpel, she cuts out the white surface between the lineation or she combines elements to form new grids. Functional paper, used primarily as a framework for scaling an image, takes on a materiality of its own. The result are works with seemingly three-dimensional textures – networks of co-ordinates with textile-like character. The paper structures form arches, foldings and overlayings that create surface tension.
Spraying, pouring, scooping – these three basic techniques of working
with fiber are used by Raphael Grotthuss to subdue the strength and resistance of the material. The poured flax fibers and sprayed pigment create free pictorial surfaces that are installed openly in the exhibition space or sprayed on broken glass plates.
The exhibition also includes additional works by familiar artists from our gallery
whose material of choice is paper: Franz Riedl, Vienna; Reinhard Wöllmer, Nuremberg; Peter Weber, Munich and guest artist Russell Herron, London.