Inge Dick – a year's light white
Four films and a selection of stills
Exhibition from January 16th to February 27th, 2016
With her photo projects – whether it is with large Polaroid cameras or with film projects – Inge Dick occupies a distinct place among contemporary photographers and artistic film makers.
This exhibition shows the films she has shot in the last few years: “herbst licht weiss” (“autumn light white,” 2012), “sommer licht weiss” (“summer light white,” 2013), “frühlings licht weiss” (“spring’s light white,” 2014) and “winter licht weiss” (“winter light white,” 2014/15) as well as a selection of the stills made from them. All four films document the light and changes in color that occur while filming a white surface for several days. The unbelievable colorfulness of light as it changes in the course of a day or a season is rendered perceptible to the human eye only by the art- ist’s assemblage of the stills in rows of narrow strips.